Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[glowworm]2020-06-03 05:37:50
Understanding of disease elimination reaction The reaction of moxibustion expelling diseases varies from person to person. I once had a small lump in my neck for a long time. I had diarrhea once, and my nose was dry, painful and scabby. However, the most common reaction was sweating. At the beginning>>>>word number134
[yue]2020-06-03 05:37:35
Yin Yang vaporization moxibustion is very effective for cold and cough. Last weekend, the child came home with a cold and cough, itchy throat and runny nose. Her husband said he would take medicine for him. I said first do not eat, I give him moxibustion first try. I gave him moxibustion with 4cm moxa sticks. After 60 minutes>>>>word number156
[wenyan]2020-06-03 05:36:36
Watching live broadcast to learn about vaporization moxibustion from doubt to belief At first, I didn`t believe that vaporization moxibustion was so powerful. It was proved to be so magical by practice. I have more problems: vaginitis, distending cavity inflammation, stomach distension, easy to get on fire>>>>word number282
[Spring grass]2020-06-03 05:34:59
My three months of vaporization moxibustion changes It turns out that I am water wet constitution. Moxibustion tools used to be used at home. Come across coke. Brother Niu, before them. I`ve had moxibustion, too. There are all kinds of cooking equipment at home. As soon as moxibustion is opened, moxibustio>>>>word number218
[Simon Birch]2020-06-03 05:29:51
Share "Ai" on the 35th day of vaporization moxibustion treatment I have stomach disease for more than ten years. I have taken a lot of traditional Chinese medicine, western medicine and all kinds of folk prescriptions. Bad temper, bad color, dark lips, eczema. Please see the effect of my vaporization moxibustion for 35>>>>word number467
[Snow has come]2020-06-02 22:52:25
Postpartum serious puerperal disease with urinary retention, vaporization moxibustion for 107th days * I used to have a blood avalanche, third degree shock, hemoglobin only 4 grams, because of anemia, I had blood transfusion, I was afraid that I would die and leave my young child. In the extreme of despair, I met a video of Coke`s self-help.>>>>word number389
[Summer of Cosmos]2020-06-02 22:50:55
The power of moxibustion depends on the changes of tongue coating More than ten years of tongue coating has not looked so comfortable, moxibustion is amazing>>>>word number279
[Zhang Juan]2020-06-02 20:30:56
Experience of toothache on the 39th day of Moxibustion Today, I finally found out what moxibustion is like ✌️>>>>word number319
[Plain life]2020-06-02 20:24:33
Moxibustion with coke gave me hope After four times of gastroscopy and colonoscopy, it was suspected that gastric cancer was in early stage. Grateful to meet coke, let me see hope>>>>word number559
[Zhang Juan]2020-06-02 20:24:15
The 26th day of Moxibustion If you don`t listen to the teacher, you will suffer a loss>>>>word number345