Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[wenyan]2021-04-21 10:41:32
Moxibustion for a year, the body is getting better and better! Doing housework is no longer a job. It makes my husband lazy Moxibustion has been used for one year, and time flies so fast. I think when I started moxibustion, life passed so slowly. I counted it every day. I envy, envy and hate when I see the effect of others. I look forward to the full moon as soon as possible?,>>>>word number374
[Health - dizziness]2020-07-26 15:57:32
The way of self rescue by Moxibustion Today is moxibustion for two months. During the moxibustion process, I have experienced a series of disease elimination reactions, such as water in the stomach, exhaust, cold hands and feet, especially the left foot, which is cold to bone pain. All the wa>>>>word number104
[kele]2020-06-19 11:29:22
Experience of Moxibustion in treating renal failure At the end of my life, I spent more than ten hours of moxibustion every day. On the fourth day of moxibustion, I even had to urinate. I went to the bathroom and urinated. I was happy to call my husband and tell him that I had urination.>>>>word number564
[ordinary]2020-06-19 13:58:52
Fever, insomnia, fear of cold, hepatolithiasis, liver cirrhosis, vaporization moxibustion three months later This moxibustion friend has a fever every month, insomnia, fear of cold, hepatolithiasis, liver cirrhosis, 50 days of vaporization moxibustion, heavy moxibustion with thick moxa stick for 8-10 hours a day. On the 51st day, he had a fever again, but he did>>>>word number408
[Forest]2020-10-17 06:03:38
Vaporization moxibustion gives me hope I am inborn relatively weak, eat less, do not love sports, people are always lazy, so have always been thin, people are afraid of cold, later came into contact with traditional Chinese medicine, the conclusion is that the spleen and stomach is weak, Qi an>>>>word number277
[leaf]2020-07-11 10:58:09
The ultimate fear of cold continues After 16 months of moxibustion, the cold water on the surface has been melted. Now I put on a sweater in summer, and there is a slight layer of Yang Qi on my appearance. I feel that I wear a sweater. Unlike before, the whole Yang Qi has been taken away, t>>>>word number300
[Xiao Wennuan]2021-04-17 15:34:35
Insomnia for three years, moxibustion for two months, sleep much better, now more and more love for the gasification of yin and Yang. I feel empty and nagging if I don`t burn for a day I`m 47 years old. I`ve had insomnia for three years. I tried to see the effect of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. It`s difficult to sleep and wake up. I don`t dream. Traditional Chinese medicine says that it`s spleen deficiency, liver f>>>>word number236
[kele]2020-08-12 08:07:16
Share breast detoxification with vaporization moxibustion friends Female friends have breast disease especially many, breast hyperplasia, breast nodules, breast cancer. Some physical examination out of these serious problems will do surgery. Resection, chemotherapy, targeted drugs, etc. These treatment effect is not goo>>>>word number60
[Zhang Bin]2021-04-16 23:04:42
Poor sleep quality, physical pain in hands and feet, moxibustion restored factory settings in a month After moxibustion, I have no serious problem with my body. I can eat and sleep without pain. Thank you for your guidance. I think I have basically returned to the factory setting. Vaporization moxibustion is too effective for me. It has recovered so well >>>>word number583
[Cat Cat]2021-04-15 18:02:33
After 60 days of moxibustion, my blood and tears history gradually improved After 60 days of moxibustion, my blood and tears history after my illness gradually improved. The process of getting rid of illness is painful. How can I see rainbow without going through wind and rain. Let`s talk about the changes in the body. The back a>>>>word number151