Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[good luck and happiness to you]2021-07-20 22:37:14
For 400 days, I have eaten traditional Chinese medicine for more than 20 years. I can`t walk anymore. I have more than a dozen kinds of problems and want to commit suicide many times Today, I`ve been burning AI for 400 days. Tell me about the comparison a year ago. I once ate traditional Chinese medicine for more than 20 years. I can`t walk every day. I have more than a dozen kinds of problems and want to commit suicide many times. Af>>>>word number359
[good luck and happiness to you]2022-01-27 09:34:39
For 575 days, I have eaten traditional Chinese medicine for more than 20 years. I can`t walk any more. I have more than a dozen kinds of problems and want to commit suicide many times hello everyone! It`s the end of the year. To sum up what has changed this year, I suddenly thought yesterday that I love runny nose in winter. When the weather is cold, I don`t pay attention to runny nose. I see some old people hanging there. I have been >>>>word number451
[The sky is blue]2022-01-15 20:46:51
For more than 20 years, cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc, weakness, bad stool, waking up more than half a year and other gratifying changes of moxibustion Since I followed Mr. coke moxibustion for half a year, my body has changed a lot. 1. Sleep has improved a lot. Before, I had to get up twice at night and wake up early at four or five o`clock. After moxibustion for more than four months, you can basically>>>>word number1002
[cxj]2021-11-12 20:08:49
Vaporization moxibustion for 6 months: insomnia, chest tightness, anxiety, depression, thyroid nodule, lobular hyperplasia, hysteromyoma, low back pain, loose stool and menopausal syndrome Unconsciously, I followed Mr. coke for six months. Since February last year, I have stayed up all night because of menopause and epidemic situation. I have eaten traditional Chinese medicine, went to moxibustion hall for moxibustion, seen a psychologist, >>>>word number319
[Duo Duo Ma]2022-01-12 11:17:23
Adhere to the sharing of moxibustion for half a year Hello, teachers and moxibustion friends. I`ve been moxibusting for half a year. Except that my monthly menstrual volume stops for one to two days, I don`t fall for another day. Moxibustion lasts for 3 to 5 hours every day! Before moxibustion, I didn`t sle>>>>word number486
[Cherry blossom in March]2022-01-07 21:00:21
Effect of 600 days` vaporization moxibustion on disease elimination of daughter -- toothache A few days ago, my daughter had toothache. At first, her left side was painful and swollen. One day later, her right side also began to ache and swollen. Her head hurt badly after holding it. This is the fourth toothache since moxibustion. There was tooth>>>>word number362
[Let nature take its course]2022-01-08 08:10:54
Insomnia for six years, unable to eat or sleep, vaporization moxibustion for seven months, experienced all kinds of pain and disease elimination, and now comes back to life I began to feel sick and couldn`t sleep in 2015. I tried not to sleep for a week, and my menstruation began to be bad at that time. I am 47 years old. I have insomnia for about 6 years and have taken traditional Chinese medicine for several years. I start>>>>word number762
[Xuelan]2022-01-07 12:34:13
All night insomnia, dry heat sweating, amenorrhea, gastritis, gastric erosion, thyroid Hashimoto disease, hepatitis vaporization moxibustion for 250 days I have experienced a whole 250 days of moxibustion. I had insomnia from being unable to sleep all night until now. I can sleep normally for 6 to 7 hours. Before moxibustion, I can only lie on my back, not on the left and right sides. The left and right si>>>>word number583
[kele]2020-05-28 15:49:30
I used my daughter`s life for Yin Yang vaporization moxibustion On February 18, 2019, my daughter had a high fever again. At that time, my daughter was 10 years old, only 40 Jin, lying on the bed weakly, skinny. That kind of call every day not work, call the earth should not despair.>>>>word number218
[Sssz]2022-01-06 17:41:55
Rhinitis, cervical spondylosis, lumbar intervertebral disc compression, right leg pain, periarthritis of shoulder, breast nodule, rheumatism, changes of vaporization moxibustion for 260 days Since the vaporization moxibustion with Mr. coke, pharyngitis, breast hyperplasia and vaginal discomfort have changed. It turned out that my pharyngitis was cold behind my back and had a sore throat. I took traditional Chinese medicine. It didn`t work wel>>>>word number251