Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[seas of clouds]2022-03-11 09:29:19
Insomnia for 20 years, several suicides, vaporization moxibustion saved my life My illness happened 20 years ago. After giving birth to the second child, the first child gave birth to a daughter. My family has a preference for boys over girls, which is a little stressful. My mother-in-law wouldn`t let me go to the hospital. She found>>>>word number795
[Broad sky 123]2022-03-20 11:41:12
Insomnia for two years, various diseases, vaporization moxibustion for four months, insomnia improved, and menstruation came I am 56 years old. I lost sleep for a month in February, 19. I lost more than 20 kilograms. I went to the hospital for physical examination. I had hypothyroidism, low white blood cells, spot calcification on one side of the breast, slow heart rate, about >>>>word number394
[cobblestone]2021-11-13 08:33:17
Adhere to the healthy return of Moxibustion Calculate the time, I have been moxibusting with Mr. coke for a whole year and a half. This process has experienced a lot. At first, I had insomnia all night, and my eyes were congested (alternating left and right for half a year, which frightened my fami>>>>word number315
[fanrf]2022-04-05 16:23:35
Insomnia for 20 years, vaporization moxibustion for 340 days, ushering in disease elimination I`m 54 this year. I`ve been suffering from insomnia for nearly 20 years now. At the beginning, I had depression and would cry when I think about it. Later, I went to the hospital to take depression. I also forgot what medicine it was. I didn`t take it aft>>>>word number552
[Warm Yang 5103]2022-04-08 07:20:22
Sticking to moxibustion will eventually eliminate diseases Since moxibustion for more than a year, I have been confused terrified. It was the teacher`s affinity, love and strong magnetic field that attracted me and made me see the teacher`s perseverance in the teacher`s video Strong, not afraid of hardship, break>>>>word number757
[kele]2022-04-01 11:24:26
No one can imitate my vaporization moxibustion rebirth process In 2019, we were still looking for euthanasia and found Switzerland to have this welfare. Brother Niu was still angry and said that I was not afraid of death and living. He didn`t know how much pain I suffered every day. In 2019, I couldn`t get in the mox>>>>word number1177
[For the sake of regaining new life, come on!]2022-04-12 10:47:50
Poor sleep, high uric acid, hepatitis, rhinitis, kidney stones, intrahepatic bile duct stones, the whole popularity color is not good, there are chloasma on the face, vaporization moxibustion for three months Before vaporization moxibustion, I weighed 126 kg, but now I weigh 115 kg. I have a symmetrical figure and no fat. In the past, I didn`t dare to eat in order to lose weight. Now I eat more and lose weight. Do you say magic or not? The chloasma on the face>>>>word number1795
[Sister Cai]2022-03-06 21:10:54
Vaporization moxibustion changed for 40 days, insomnia, fear, anxiety, dark circles, pulmonary nodules, urine leakage, spontaneous sweating, night sweating I am 65 years old. In the previous annual physical examination, bilirubin was on the high side, direct, indirect, total bilirubin was on the high side, and low-density cholesterol was on the high side. There are multiple pulmonary nodules. Sleep will have>>>>word number1464
[Zhang Hengzhi]2022-05-01 10:29:39
For the third time, I shared the hot and dry night sweat, afraid of cold and high blood sugar, and moxibustion for more than 8 months Today is the eighth month and fifteenth day of moxibustion. The startling time passes quickly. The body changes slowly bit by bit every day without being aware of it. Let`s talk about sleep first. I can fall asleep on the first day of moxibustion under th>>>>word number379
[Ren Haiyan]2022-05-02 10:57:19
For the 15th time, I went to the epidemic area of Shanghai. My family caught a cold. I was spared, thanks to vaporization moxibustion Everyone is friendly! Moxibustion used to lie down with a sad face every day and ponder how to treat the disease every day. I went there as soon as I heard that there was a famous doctor. I don`t know how much wronged money I spent. Since I learned yin-ya>>>>word number263