Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[Lingling]2020-06-19 14:25:11
Oliguria due to cirrhosis and renal failure Also talk about my situation, moxibustion for three months, mainly liver cirrhosis and early renal failure. Well, my illness is not mild. I have a lot of rejection reactions, very serious. During the experience of less urine, and almost no urine excretion>>>>word number311
[Niu]2020-06-19 14:22:46
14 years of gastric obstruction and constipation Recently, moxibustion was carried out according to brother Niu`s method. Three days ago, he had a blister in his mouth, which was particularly painful. He insisted on moxibustion for two days. Today, his mouth doesn`t hurt much>>>>word number323
[kele]2020-06-19 14:05:35
At the beginning of moxibustion, I felt uncomfortable all over. I couldn`t sleep. My urine and urine increased. My back hurt. I couldn`t walk. I had diarrhea two days ago. I feel good I see these sharing, I calculate fast, I started vaporization moxibustion around the 28th. At the beginning of moxibustion, I felt uncomfortable all over. I couldn`t sleep. My urine and urine increased. My back hurt. I couldn`t walk. I had diarrhea two da>>>>word number191
[cobblestone]2020-06-19 14:01:48
Terrible insomnia On the day of 5.6, he contacted Mr. Ke Ke, who gave guidance after dialectics. He took the only one and a half moxa sticks left at home for moxibustion (the new one was not delivered). Yesterday, he had moxibustion for 6 hours. Previously, he only had mox>>>>word number561
[kele]2020-06-19 13:49:28
Yin Yang vaporization moxibustion for 52 days, the biggest harvest is eating well, feeling fat and energetic Niu elder brother note: This moxibustion friend is Sjogren`s syndrome, stomach is not good, before acupuncture point moxibustion for two years, no effect. Now the body of vaporization moxibustion is getting better and better. There are various kinds of di>>>>word number216
[kele]2020-06-19 13:44:10
Today, the 34th day of Yin Yang vaporization moxibustion has cured my eczema for ten years From the beginning of moxibustion, the soles of the feet whizz out cold sweat, and now the soles and knees are hot. I feel the magic power of moxibustion. Before hair loss was serious, since hair loss memory is particularly poor, want to take things there>>>>word number617
[kele]2020-06-19 13:28:34
Now I can feel sleepy at night, which is not before On the fourth day of moxibustion, blisters began to appear. On the fifth or sixth day, the numbness of the hands improved. About the tenth day, the numbness of the hand is gone. In the past night, the thumb to the wrist will be numb, and it needs to be pi>>>>word number211
[kele]2020-06-19 13:17:15
Can vaporization moxibustion treat male dysfunction In fact, it is the deficiency of Yang Qi and the serious blockage of cold dampness and blood stasis. Some are caused by excessive consumption of essence deficiency. Some friends have taken a lot of kidney tonic drugs for treatment, some have moxibustion a>>>>word number188
[kele]2020-06-19 13:17:07
Experience of Moxibustion in treating my heart failure At that time, I also had severe insomnia. Anyway, I couldn`t sleep at night. I used moxibustion, moxibustion during the day and moxibustion at night. I was still on moxibustion at 3:00 in the middle of the night. So crazy moxibustion, I do not know which >>>>word number411
[kele]2020-06-19 13:10:53
Today is the thirteenth day of vaporization moxibustion, moxibustion in the afternoon for two and a half hours, I feel good moxibustion Today is the 13th day of vaporization moxibustion. After two and a half hours of Moxibustion in the afternoon, I feel that moxibustion is good, slightly hot, and I feel that the heat penetration is poor when I am far away. First, I belch continuously. Aft>>>>word number207