Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[bright spring days]2020-07-04 06:34:15
Bad sleep, irritability, hyperthyroidism In the future, we will insist on moxibustion to make our body better and better! Night sleep is not good, irritable, night sweats, good fatigue, hyperthyroidism is more serious, the neck star is much thicker than healthy people, today is the 120th day of >>>>word number155
[Snow has come]2020-07-03 22:06:00
Urinary retention, * four months` illness and feeling of moon fever Today is the fifth day after my menstruation. This menstrual period has a strong reaction. My menstrual period is delayed for ten days. My menstruation is not smooth. The doctor said that my abdomen is cold. I didn`t eat pickled peppers during the first t>>>>word number257
[Niu]2020-07-03 13:28:17
Extreme depression: as soon as I go to the seaside, I feel that the sea water will suck me down Mr. cola, I have been moxibustion with you for more than two months, and my body has also improved. A few years ago, due to the whole body flatulence, the heart is lazy, and the body is lazy and doesn`t want to move. When I move, I feel drowsy, powerless,>>>>word number445
[wenyan]2020-07-02 10:06:03
Vaporization moxibustion for two months, this menstrual response This menstruation began to feel no, the next day abdominal pain once, the third day diarrhea twice.>>>>word number274
[Past times]2020-07-01 17:45:28
I was born in 2011 after the baby anemia, the body is very weak, at that time do not know how to make up, out of the month, the body is good, did not pay attention to, later two years with the child special I was born in 2011, anemia is severe, the body is very weak, at that time do not know how to fill, out of the month After two years old, I went to work, but I felt sick. I felt sleepy during the day. I felt sleepy during the day. I felt flustered and unab>>>>word number539
[Leisure Clouds]2020-07-01 22:17:15
Sharing of moxibustion for 150 days‘ Today is my moxibustion for 150 days. This row lasted for more than a month. I can`t help but share with you that I have severe gastric erosion and cholecystitis. I`ve been suffering from diarrhea for about half a month every day, which leads to subsequen>>>>word number235
[leaf]2020-07-01 19:48:46
Fear of cold continues at the dead sun level People are comfortable when absorbing heat. The more moxibustion, the more you know it will be. The whole body is afraid of cold. It turns out that the channels and collaterals of the whole body are blocked, and the neck lump does not care about it. It is>>>>word number256
[Lily]2020-07-01 17:55:42
More than 30 years old with stomach disease In his thirties, he suffered from stomach trouble and finally got well. The first two years were mainly Acupoint Moxibustion, which had some effects, but not much. This Spring Festival is lucky to get married to vaporization moxibustion. It has been nearl>>>>word number232
[Lv Yuman]2020-07-01 17:48:32
Slowly feel the heat can enter, just start to feel cool knee I began to do vaporization moxibustion, and the time was not long, more than two hours a day. Slowly feel the heat can go in, only 4 hours. At the beginning, I feel cold in the knee and the pain of ice. It seems that an ice block is placed in the knee, an>>>>word number614
[Shepherd boy]2020-07-01 16:11:59
I am 2.18 headlines, see Cola video, and a moxibustion self-help article, very shocked. Their right side of the body is not as transparent as the left side, knee I am 2.18 headlines, see Cola video, and a moxibustion self-help article, very shocked. Their right side of the body is not as transparent as the left side, knees and eight places afraid of cold. The moxibustion did not vaporize at all. What needs to be e>>>>word number334