Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[Plum wood]2020-05-30 18:26:16
Surprise after moxibustion I`d like to share with you and cheer up. We must insist on it. I believe moxibustion will bring you different surprises. Thank you for your selfless dedication. Let`s have the dawn of a healthy life, and look forward to better harvest. Come on, all the re>>>>word number383
[People who persist in moxibustion]2020-07-10 09:35:12
Stomach strangulation, frequent urination, vaporization moxibustion for 4 months I learned Yin Yang vaporization moxibustion with Mr. Ke Ke in March. Before moxibustion, my stomach was always twisted, and sometimes I could not sleep. I asked several doctors and prescribed Chinese medicine for several times, but it was useless to take >>>>word number262
[Niu]2020-07-09 10:09:12
Yin Yang vaporization moxibustion platform registration notice, common operation must read How to register wechat applet? How to download app? How to keep the app from quitting? How to update an applet? How to add an applet to the desktop?>>>>word number80
[Four seasons]2020-07-09 09:39:35
Diarrhea, fear of cold, fear of wind, sweating. About 2008, my stool was not formed. When I drank half of the milk tea, I immediately went to the toilet and had diarrhea. Every time I wanted to go to the toilet, I had to go immediately. I felt that it was too late. I had two or three times a day. When >>>>word number444
[Ai himself]2020-07-08 19:35:28
Vaporization moxibustion -- keep the clouds open and see the moon bright! When it comes to getting married with Mr. Ke Ke, the most touching thing for me is to see the daughter of teacher Ke Ke. At that time, I thought tiger poison does not eat children. Only parents who have identified good things will use it on children. Ther>>>>word number337
[Xiaohong]2020-07-05 22:11:23
Ten years of headache. Today, moxibustion and moxibustion have turned out my old disease. I`m so happy Mr. coke, I had a headache when I was 16 years old. I went to several hospitals at that time. The doctor said that it was caused by myopia, but I didn`t have glasses. Later, I inquired about a famous Chinese medicine doctor and took medicine for half a ye>>>>word number504
[Dong`e donkey hide gelatin 5.02]2020-07-07 08:12:44
The rough road of Moxibustion Yin Yang vaporization moxibustion benefits Whoever uses it. I had a cold several years ago. Later, I got itchy all over and got a lot of rice like pimples. I applied ointment and took traditional Chinese medicine, but I didn`t get better. Later, the docto>>>>word number186
[Xiaohong]2020-07-07 08:49:53
Yin Yang vaporization moxibustion for 4 months, nausea and vomiting, saliva with blood. And then the taste gets better And ushered in the fourth month of strong rejection reaction, nausea and vomiting. Wake up every day, the smell of the mouth, spit out with blood, blood color is particularly heavy. Fever subsided in 5 days. Pain in all joints of the body, such a strong r>>>>word number526
[Another ear]2020-07-06 16:25:31
Moxibustion therapy for insomnia, urinary tract infection, constipation and depression (1) Insomnia pain only experienced people can experience, urinary tract infection: frequency, urgency, blood in hospital 2 times, constipation for decades, depression and pessimism Vaporization moxibustion saved me>>>>word number975
[Health - dizziness]2020-07-04 20:20:51
The way of self rescue by Moxibustion Moxibustion began on May 26, and I experienced from the initial fear of cold, hands and feet are afraid of cold, knee pain, head dizzy every day, and people have no spirit. Now it has changed obviously, and I see hope!!>>>>word number66