Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[Niu]2020-08-09 14:12:27
On the 556th day of moxibustion, the urine was a little unblocked. Since 14 years of taking Chinese medicine, my health is getting worse and worse. Later on, there was little urine and urine. Some time ago, eating and defecation improved. I urinated this morning. For a long time, I haven`t urinated so much for many years>>>>word number197
[G T]2020-08-07 17:52:23
My insomnia moxibustion share: sleep quality improved, dysmenorrhea is good, now my mother also began to follow me moxibustion I have a lot of small problems, the most uncomfortable is insomnia, leading to dizziness, Qi deficiency. A few days ago, moxibustion gave me a bad impression. It started with a stomachache, with back pain. It hasn`t hurt like this before. Pain I stand is >>>>word number561
[Maglon]2020-08-07 14:28:29
Ma Gelong moxibustion Road, rhinitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, small three yang It`s unfortunate to get sick. The great fortune in misfortune is that we can have good fortune to get in touch with moxibustion. I hope you can do it and cherish it!>>>>word number366
[kele]2020-08-05 15:25:25
How did I embark on the road of moxibustion self rescue In my 20s, I`m not sensible. I eat ice cream and my stomach is broken. Gastroscope, colonoscopy and Western medicine are useless. Then miscarriage, childbirth, abortion, bleeding, the original weight of only 80 Jin, to thoroughly empty. Later, he couldn`t>>>>word number611
[in the warm spring , flowers are coming out with a]2020-06-02 20:22:26
Reaction of 17 days of vaporization moxibustion on the whole body I am 36 years old. My child was born in the summer of 2017. The air conditioner was blown in the month. In the summer of 17, after three months of maintenance, I recovered. In the summer of 18 years, when blowing the fan, the sweating became more and more>>>>word number243
[rabbit]2020-08-06 14:06:23
Three months` record of gasification moxibustion The earliest is for insomnia, low back pain, no spirit, heel pain, take the road to take medicine, the hospital examination can not come out of the disease, but also let the examination of psychiatry, a test of mental problems, to prescribe medicine, I kn>>>>word number298
[in the warm spring , flowers are coming out with a]2020-08-06 14:43:36
Experience of moxibustion for more than three months After the last time I did my back work, I got up and felt the hot air flow in summer. It has been more than three years since I knew what the heat was like. Then how to wipe the sweat on my head and body: it was more than all, but I felt hot all the time.>>>>word number179
[Snow has come]2020-08-06 06:40:54
Severe puerperal disease, urinary retention * This is the fifth menstruation after Yin Yang vaporization. After menstruation, urination is smooth, and people are very relaxed. After eight or eight days of moxa roasting, the urine becomes less and less. This time, I`ve never had it before. I`m a littl>>>>word number325
[Wan Er]2020-08-05 10:17:51
Yin Yang vaporization moxibustion, making family happier My illness experience and the effect of Yin Yang vaporization moxibustion feel that with Yin Yang vaporization moxibustion, the health of myself and my family will be guaranteed! Thanks to Mr. Ke Ke and brother Niu who have tried out this good method with>>>>word number698
[Zong Feifei]2020-08-04 09:18:15
The first day of moxibustion self rescue On the first day of moxibustion, persistence is victory. In the past 10 years, my body began to go downhill, from being afraid of the cold to those who could not eat cold food. In the past 10 years, I had two children, had two deliveries and had two appen>>>>word number403