Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[cool breeze]2020-08-23 10:52:28
This week`s moxibustion body reaction changes. During this period of time, I didn`t report moxibustion feeling with cola teacher. Because I feel that the change is not too big, but there are still subtle changes. Now I`ll give a brief account of the changes in this paragraph. A few days ago, during mo>>>>word number314
[Can Can]2020-08-23 11:59:06
Vaporization moxibustion 2 months to share, not so afraid of the cold The road is as far as Jane. I`ve had a good time. Moxibustion under the guidance of coke and brother Niu has been moxibustion for nearly two months. The time for moxibustion is limited every day. Generally, it can guarantee one hour, and at most two hours>>>>word number307
[Duckweed]2020-08-22 00:17:57
On the first day, Yin Yang vaporization moxibustion was done Today`s first day of moxibustion, I hope to stick to it>>>>word number103
[Life is dull]2020-08-21 12:58:25
139 days of Moxibustion I have moxibustion for 139 days today. At the beginning of moxibustion, many changes have taken place in the body, such as improved sleep, comfortable abdomen, decreased vision and better skin. In the latter two and a half months, there was a bottleneck p>>>>word number211
[Happy life]2020-08-20 23:00:05
Sub health conditioning, moxibustion experience record in recent one month I`m very busy today. I lie down after washing. It`s already 10:30, so there is no moxibustion today. Let`s take a look at the app and find that it hasn`t been shared for another month. Here is a brief introduction of Moxibustion in this month. From July 2>>>>word number254
[Cui Jianping]2020-08-20 19:31:17
The first experience of expelling disease I have chronic gastritis, myocardial ischemia, insomnia and other diseases. I have seen western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine have not had a good effect before. With the teacher of coke moxibustion for about 10 days, my stomach aches and the w>>>>word number121
[Health - dizziness]2020-08-20 16:12:36
The way of self rescue by moxibustion for dizziness Moxibustion has been going on for nearly three months, and there is a break in the way for a few days. This sharing is to tell good news. The spirit is much better, the head is not dizzy before, and people also have spirit! Hold on, victory is coming!!>>>>word number66
[Cui Jianping]2020-08-20 11:46:08
Experience of the first discharge My chronic gastritis, myocardial ischemia, insomnia, lumbar disc herniation>>>>word number127
[wenyan]2020-08-20 11:38:13
The beans on my nose are ready A few days ago, I had a fire. I had beans on my nose and my mouth was dry!>>>>word number64
[kele]2020-08-20 08:18:15
Body changes on day 566 of vaporization Moxibustion: changes in dreams Good morning, dear friend! On the 566th day of vaporization moxibustion, my body changed: before I was 20 years old, I had a very good sleep. Once my dormitory was flooded, both of her and I got up to fight the flood. I didn`t know at all. They said that >>>>word number388