Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[leaf]2020-08-28 21:17:02
Process recording continues In fact, I can`t write anything. I hope I can give myself some encouragement, with the help of cola Niu GE`s platform>>>>word number562
[Meixi Mom]2020-08-27 16:29:50
Crying after moxibustion? I just cried a lot when I thought of all kinds of things before. I cried at the same time of moxibustion. I also thought of a lot of things. I also thought that my insomnia would be serious. No one hurt, no one asked, no one cared. Serious lack of love. V>>>>word number148
[Laugh it off]2020-08-26 19:31:27
Sharing of body changes of gastroenteritis after moxibustion for 55 days I have been taking medicine for more than ten years. Chinese medicine, western medicine has never been cut off, but still have diarrhea, also went to the hospital to do enema, but always can not be cured. Occasionally in Baidu saw Cola hair moxibustion vi>>>>word number558
[Xie Xinrui]2020-08-25 17:44:58
Feeling of Yin Yang vaporization moxibustion for ten days Sister cola, I`ve always had bitter breath and bad breath, but I`m afraid of cold. These are false fires. Recently, my body is very uncomfortable. I often have insomnia and allergic rhinitis. My ears, nose and throat are like ants` itching. I can`t stop t>>>>word number705
[Another ear]2020-08-25 17:38:12
Vaporization moxibustion for 6 months, summer cold fever fever experience In the past, I often catch a cold. There are two times in a month, one at the end of the month. After the general cold has the immunity, but I am different, my cold soon recovered, if someone else is cold, I will go back to the road of cold. The medicine >>>>word number784
[Niu]2020-07-01 15:01:51
I grilled two hours before and after each day, and at the same time, I ate pickled peppers and calculated with Niu`s family. I didn`t go up in the air. At about 10 days, the right breast of the anterior chest I grilled two hours before and after each day, and at the same time, I ate pickled peppers and calculated with Niu`s family. I didn`t go up in the air. About ten days later, blisters appeared in the right breast of the front chest. When pushing the abdome>>>>word number223
[Niu]2020-07-01 15:40:37
True false and yin deficiency I used to eat spicy on the red nose, hemorrhoids bleeding, now after moxibustion spicy casually. Many people say that you can`t eat spicy, inflamed, gastritis, stomachache. In fact, the truth is the same as my hemorrhoids. I`ve talked about a lot of the p>>>>word number367
[Shu Xin]2020-08-23 22:08:54
Poor spleen and stomach, depression, hunger and thirst Talking about my moxibustion experience, I was a self abased and timid person since childhood. I grew up with chilblains. In winter, my hands are like pig`s feet. Later, I got otitis media and took Chinese medicine. Since then, I have been headache, dizzi>>>>word number1337
[Jane]2020-08-23 18:17:42
Is the change after moxibustion ten days a good phenomenon? The first day of moxibustion started on August 15, and my stomach felt very cold. I feel more comfortable in my stomach than I did a few days ago. The stomach is not so cold, but obviously there is no heat in it. The most obvious thing is that after moxib>>>>word number172
[Duckweed]2020-08-23 12:57:17
The next day, yin and Yang vaporization moxibustion was done The next day, I did Yin Yang vaporization moxibustion. My mother did moxibustion for two hours every day. At the beginning, I felt that it was very difficult to finish one moxibustion. Gradually extend the time! Mother recently had a lot of pimples on her>>>>word number84