Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[A U]2020-11-13 21:20:35
Four year old baby`s first cold during moxibustion Since moxibustion, the baby really didn`t accumulate food and didn`t sleep at night. This cold was also due to my carelessness. When I went back to my mother-in-law`s home on Saturday, my baby ate more fruit. In the afternoon, he said that his stomach was>>>>word number469
[Cherry blossom in March]2020-11-13 20:57:43
The discharge reaction of daughter moxibustion for 8 months was suspected to be varicella Today is November 13, the eighth month of my daughter`s moxibustion. This time, my daughter`s reaction to the disease was very fierce and almost mistakenly treated. If it wasn`t for Mr. Coke`s help, the consequences would be unbearable. The thing is like >>>>word number728
[Amanda]2020-11-12 11:23:11
The child`s cough is over~ The children are in kindergarten. The weather in Inner Mongolia is very good today! After a week`s rest and moxibustion, the child is back alive. It can be said that the cough is stopped after moxibustion for a day! Isn`t it amazing! Later, after a few da>>>>word number138
[Amanda]2020-11-08 23:20:02
Child cough-1 At the beginning of the cough is just a shallow cough, throat phlegm, throat some hoarse, two consecutive nights did not sleep well, always cough sleep is not good, during the day is cough spit out, she never like this! I couldn`t sleep. I got up when it >>>>word number609
[Light ~ ~,]2020-11-11 16:00:10
If the toothache can not be cured by anti-inflammatory drugs, it can be cured by vaporization moxibustion Good morning, Mr. coke! My daughter has toothache. She has been moxibustion for three days according to your method. It`s much better. The swelling has disappeared by more than half, and there is still a little swelling. She used to take anti-inflammatory>>>>word number176
[A U]2020-11-07 23:09:09
After 50 days of moxibustion, the body had a reaction of eliminating diseases My son is four years old. During moxibustion, his physical condition is getting better and better. During this period, he also has rhinitis, sneezing and nosebleed, but it is not serious. I have diarrhea in the last two days. I have had diarrhea three tim>>>>word number402
[lky]2020-11-09 17:22:22
Moxibustion changes the body of my family Since my youngest son was born, I have been running to the hospital. I have used western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine for many times. I have not taken the recuperation medicine for a week and got sick again. I teased myself, either in the hos>>>>word number237
[Meizi]2020-11-07 22:52:30
My moxibustion experience Since Yin and Yang vaporization moxibustion has been 7 or 8 months, the body has changed a lot. In the past, Qi and blood were very weak. I felt tired when I did something. I often felt dizzy and weak, sore shoulders and neck, cold stomach and cold hands >>>>word number364
[Lily 1563 Climacteric insomnia, anxiety and depres]2020-11-08 06:02:49
The 25th day of vaporization moxibustion After 25 days of vaporization moxibustion, I feel dizzy and headache. My eyes are not so dazzled. My eyes are bright. I eat too much. I haven`t gained weight. I`m in a good mood. I`ve just been moxibustion for a few days. I fart every day. I don`t have a >>>>word number136
[cool breeze]2020-11-07 16:17:13
After moxibustion for three months, the urine and stool were normal Moxibustion for three months, urine and urine were normal. Before the stool was very thin, like a small finger as thin, now a lot of thick. Before urination, it is very few, and it is like a thread, just like being squeezed out of the urethral orifice. Be>>>>word number114