Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[One meter on the road]2020-11-16 10:33:02
I`ve eaten a lot of dried ginger, aconite and Fuzi Lizhong pills. Now it`s fierce and hot. They play disorderly, make a mess, seriously hurt Yin. The whole person was burning hard With the teacher vaporization moxibustion, we should also give feedback in time. We should feel the reaction of moxibustion time to the body. We should not randomly moxibustion or heavy moxibustion. This time, I was playing in disorder. I was seriously hu>>>>word number110
[Laugh it off]2020-11-16 10:20:20
With coke moxibustion for four months, the body has also changed. In the past, I used to walk with soft legs, but now my body is much better than before I`ve bought Cola moxa sticks many times. It`s as good as ever. The moxa grass is strong and the delivery speed is fast. I`ve been following coke moxibustion for four months, and my body has changed. I used to walk with soft legs. Now I`m much better than >>>>word number349
[Lingling 6625]2020-11-16 10:11:41
Severe rheumatoid encephalitis constipation stool ball, unknowingly with coke Niuge moxibustion for 2 months, the neck pain is much better, although not flexible rotation Last time I bought only 4 sticks of moxa sticks, but I bought some more this time. The days passed quickly. I unconsciously followed coke Niuge moxibustion for 2 months. My neck pain is much better. Although I can`t rotate flexibly, I believe it will be g>>>>word number196
[Snow has come]2020-11-16 10:05:35
Yin Yang vaporization moxibustion has been going on for nearly eight months. This month, the reaction of expelling diseases is very strong. First, there is the attack of kidney stones, and then there is nausea, vomiting and spitting up sticky phlegm. I fe Yin Yang vaporization moxibustion has been going on for nearly eight months. This month, the reaction of expelling disease is very strong. First, there is a attack of kidney stones, then nausea and vomiting, spitting very sticky phlegm. I feel that the di>>>>word number233
[Ai himself]2020-11-16 10:01:38
Moxibustion for more than half a year, I was very lucky to encounter vaporization moxibustion at the most difficult time. Now moxibustion is addictive, and I feel empty without moxibustion I have been moxibustion for more than half a year unconsciously. I am very lucky to encounter vaporization moxibustion at the most difficult time. Thank you, Mr. Ke Ke Ke and brother Niu. Now moxibustion is addictive. If you don`t have moxibustion for a d>>>>word number370
[reconcile oneself to one`s situation]2020-11-16 09:14:14
Summary of moxibustion for three months since The first thing I saw was the pain in my back. When I went to bed at night, I couldn`t lie on my back. When I lay on my back, I always felt that my waist was empty. After a month of moxibustion, I gradually improved my waist pain, and now it is basi>>>>word number288
[Red Buddha Female 610113]2020-11-16 09:32:19
After 20 days of moxibustion, the appetite increased greatly, the body was much softer, the sleep was better, the urine was more, and the abdominal distension was also much better. I said that was too wonderful The original symptoms were abdominal distension, loss of appetite, abnormal stool, nodules all over the body, poor sleep, less urine volume, lasting for a long time. I tried many kinds of medicine myself, and all of them quickly became Shennong`s taste of>>>>word number212
[Moxibustion Expert]2020-11-16 09:29:17
Moxibustion sharing for seven months, sleep is good, eating is delicious, brushing teeth also can not bleed I learned about Yin Yang vaporization moxibustion through today`s headlines. After I had a thorough understanding, I consulted Mr. coke. She began to buy moxa sticks in her store and began to try moxibustion with the methods she taught. After moxibustion >>>>word number217
[Falling Rain Listen to Zen]2020-09-11 17:31:07
Insomnia, abdominal fullness, general weakness, dyspepsia, constipation, I`ve been sick for several years. I`ve seen Chinese and Western medicine for many years, but I haven`t improved. I`ve been living with a disease. I`m very miserable. For four years, I can only sleep for two or three hours a day. I have to endure physical >>>>word number135
[wenyan]2020-11-03 10:06:50
After 7 months of vaporization moxibustion, the body went up a step again. It was so good to sleep This period of time, although my gynecology will still be repeated, but as long as you don`t think about it, you can ignore it. If you eat gastrointestinal tract, it will still rise, and there is no special discomfort. Now it is really good to sleep. Sinc>>>>word number225