Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[Simon Birch]2020-12-02 15:53:09
Moxibustion sharing for 8 months (eczema) It has been several months without any reaction. Three months ago, the eye of the right foot was injured and turned into eczema. Then in October, eczema grew on the original affected part of the foot. After two months of heavy moxibustion, it was finally >>>>word number277
[Simon Birch]2020-12-02 15:14:19
Sharing of moxibustion for 5 months for 4-year-old children My son has been moxibustion for 5 months unconsciously. At the beginning of that month, he was seriously inflamed. He could not sleep well in the daytime and at night. He was very angry. He communicated with Mr. Ke Ke many times. He was really anxious and>>>>word number383
[Let dreams fly]2020-12-02 12:06:10
Quick effect of Yin Yang Qi Qi moxibustion I learned Yin Yang Qi moxibustion with Mr. Ke Ke Ke on November 18. Up to now, it has been 14 days. During this period, because of my grandson`s coming, I have been delayed for two days. I have been moxibusting for 12 days. I feel more and more comfortabl>>>>word number162
[Huihui]2020-12-01 00:00:00
Moxibustion has become a part of life I uterine fibroids after surgery, vaginal bleeding in the same room, cervical cyst examination. I`m a hysteromyoma 7 cm, in our local hospital for surgery, laparoscopic surgery, stomach made four holes, I was forced by my husband surgery, ha ha, because I>>>>word number650
[wenyan]2020-11-30 09:24:28
Moxibustion for cough and headache of my children Every time my child has a cold and cough, he has to take a lot of antitussive drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs and Chinese patent medicines for clearing away heat. Last summer, he had diarrhea after eating ice cream while swimming. Last winter, he had vomit>>>>word number545
[Xin Yi]2020-11-29 12:28:51
I`ve been moxibustion for six months, and I`ve finally got a reaction I was so happy tonight. I finally had a reaction to expel diseases after moxibustion for so long. First of all, I was moxibusting on moxa sticks last night, and I suddenly felt a runny nose in my left nostril, and then there was phlegm in my throat, The n>>>>word number250
[leaf]2020-11-24 00:44:53
The more moxibustion goes inside, the more blocked it feels We continue moxibustion for more than ten hours every day, one to two meals a day. The spleen is still cold. There is no temperature in the quilt. The sleeping pills can`t be stopped for a day. If you don`t sleep for one day, you`ll fail the next day. It`>>>>word number218
[Xiaohong]2020-11-24 17:01:20
Nervous and anxious, I used to think it was pressure Remember very clearly, in my family child one or two months, I feel inexplicable tension, is life pressure big? At that time, I thought that this kind of tension had lasted for so many years. Every time I had such a feeling, I comforted myself that the da>>>>word number176
[Spirit of the Sea]2020-11-24 15:17:34
Insomnia vaporization moxibustion for a month to share, eat a lot of cold fruit, six years of Wugeng diarrhea, once eat Sini soup raw aconite used to use 100 grams, but also failed to cure Mr. Ke Ke, I just had moxibustion for a month. When I started moxibustion, I took 4 sleeping pills for 6 days in front of me. Later, I didn`t need to take any medicine. The day before yesterday, I began to repeat. I couldn`t calm down. I took a quarter of>>>>word number132
[Li Huiping]2020-11-21 14:40:38
Moxibustion for more than 3 months He is 30 years old. He has physical pain after giving birth to the first child. Now, the pain of the second child is aggravated. He is anxious and sleepless. He used to take medicine for treating anxiety, insomnia and stomach. He used to like to eat cold >>>>word number199