Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[He who meets with love is blessed]2020-12-17 14:46:20
11 years old, cold moxibustion several times the effect is very obvious The child is 11 years old, and the blood stasis is not heavy. The second moxibustion can expel phlegm and sleep well. My daughter had a runny nose last week. I gave her moxibustion on the weekend evening. The first time I had moxibustion, she said that sh>>>>word number280
[Mamy Poko]2020-12-16 19:27:33
After six months of moxibustion, the child`s body is getting better and better after six months of moxibustion My son is nearly 6 years old. He has a disharmony between the spleen and stomach. He has a cold and wet constitution. He often accumulates food when he eats. Then he will have a fever, swollen glands and intestinal lymphadenitis. Since then, I have been c>>>>word number104
[lky]2020-12-12 10:42:37
Moxibustion for 5 months to remove disease The child is more than 4 years old. He has a big stomach and loves to be sick. There is an obvious blue muscle on the bridge of the nose. He can easily accumulate food and have a fever if he eats more. Moxibustion has been more than five months. Last Satu>>>>word number422
[Muddle headed]2020-12-11 09:58:01
Serious heart failure, Moxibustion is effective for one month I can`t lie down when my heart failure is serious. I can`t breathe. I can wake up when I sleep. I`m heart failure. After moxibustion, I feel that the stone pressing my heart is gone. If you don`t work hard, you can`t be bitter. It doesn`t stink much.>>>>word number250
[Mamy Poko]2020-12-09 14:43:30
After half a year of vaporization moxibustion, gynecological inflammation, which has troubled for many years, disappeared unconsciously Moxibustion is really a mysterious power. Unconsciously, it can find many diseases that you don`t know, and some can cure them unconsciously. I don`t know how to talk about it. It`s a bit hard to say. As a woman, most people enjoy the love between men and>>>>word number76
[Simon Birch]2020-12-02 14:38:16
Four year old children`s growth process sharing My son is 4 years old, allergic constitution, allergic rhinitis, throat follicles, 1.5 years old, over medication, more than 1 year old began to sleep restlessly. More than a year old, I want to do all kinds of conditioning methods, on the way how much bi>>>>word number1280
[Xin Yi]2020-12-08 15:30:04
Treatment of rhinitis with moxibustion for seven months I started to have a cold at the end of last month. After the cold had been cured for two days, I coughed again. After consultation with coke, my cough almost disappeared. But I found that I had a lot of phlegm every day. As long as I promoted sputum every>>>>word number300
[Stars*]2020-12-06 16:19:01
Upset Anxiety Depression Insomnia moxibustion sharing harvest I have been moxibustion for three months to get rid of illness and gain health. I have been moxibustion for three months. I was anxious and upset. I can`t tell you the pain in my heart. I want to lose my temper when I see anyone at home. Moxibustion for t>>>>word number197
[A U]2020-12-05 11:01:37
My mother moxibustion Road My mother has high blood pressure, cerebral vascular blockage, 20 years of medication history. After moxibustion for a month, I experienced a day of diarrhea. Before that, I felt cold and hot, and suddenly I had a cold sweat. This symptom is especially ob>>>>word number133
[lky]2020-12-02 22:05:28
You know Yin and Yang very well Children love to be sick and have a fever. If they have a big stomach, they will have a fever if they eat more food. Knowing Yin Yang vaporization moxibustion, I was already doing moxibustion at the time of the headline, what I did was Acupoint Moxibustio>>>>word number193