Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[fen]2021-04-04 19:21:22
Insomnia for six years, looking forward to moxa stick is like looking forward to life-saving straw, moxibustion for four days, too happy to forget to take medicine Before insomnia for six years, western medicine for two years, health products for a year. On the fourth day of moxibustion, I want to record my moxibustion course. I remember that I bought moxibustion sticks under the guidance of teacher Ke Ke. After I p>>>>word number571
[stifling]2021-04-04 20:45:22
Insomnia, fear of cold, sweating, empty skin, dry yellow, moxibustion five months effect When I was in high school, my skin was very white and clean, whiter than most of the girls. There were more than 2000 people in the whole high school, and I was whiter than 98% of the girls in the whole high school. When I came out to work after college, >>>>word number879
[Happy family.]2021-04-04 14:58:48
Vaporization moxibustion half a year body change, before the desire is to sleep half an hour to meet, now want to find a job I started moxibustion on September 3, 2020. I have been insomnia for nearly two years. I have taken a lot of traditional Chinese medicine. All kinds of ways. Sometimes I think that if I can sleep for an hour at night, I will be satisfied. Now I don`t know>>>>word number632
[H.]2021-04-03 19:13:54
Insomnia improved, congestion, body moisture heavy Unconsciously, I have been moxibusting with coke teacher for nearly seven months. With the growth of my age, I have entered menopause. My stomach distension, stomach qi inversion, insomnia, endocrine disorder, and I have a bad temper from time to time. I >>>>word number579
[happy]2021-04-02 22:00:37
Insomnia menopause, vaporization moxibustion before a few days do not sleep Female, 58 years old, in recent one or two years because of the pressure, the overall physical condition is not good, especially serious insomnia, depression! I have been taking traditional Chinese medicine to recuperate, but the effect is not good. I oft>>>>word number324
[Chen Hongmei]2021-03-29 20:09:29
I couldn`t sleep for a year last year. I had 29 days of moxibustion and slept seven hours every night. Thyroid nodule cervical spondylosis gallbladder polyp pain much better I couldn`t sleep for a year last year. I had 29 days of gasification moxibustion. The magical effect of gasification moxibustion immediately benefited me. I could easily fall asleep on the first day of gasification moxibustion, which gave me great encoura>>>>word number1078
[Chen Hongmei]2021-03-16 15:19:21
Menopause, insomnia, sweating, vaporization moxibustion 15 days, can sleep 5 hours, also stop sweating In the second half of last year, my way to seek medical treatment was crazy and painful. I tried both Chinese and Western medicine, and my heart was cold. 15 days ago, I was still in pain. I had a good sleep that night. My heart, which wanted to run every>>>>word number784
[Fengrun]2021-03-30 08:54:55
Insomnia for more than 10 years, fried for 2 hours, sleeping for 5 hours on the same day In his thirties, he suffered from mild insomnia, which became serious in menopause. He had insomnia all night for three consecutive days. He was on the verge of collapse. He couldn`t eat traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. He didn`t sleep w>>>>word number445
[Liu An`s wife is here]2021-03-29 11:08:14
Insomnia afraid of cold constipation hemorrhoids, moxibustion seventh day to share, bad constitution inherited to the two children`s painful experience I started moxibustion on the evening of March 23, 2021. Today is the seventh day. My intuition tells me that my choice is right. Because Coke teacher asked me to eat diet therapy, I felt confused at that time, I had hemorrhoids, a little afraid of bleedin>>>>word number1958
[Xiaohong]2021-03-11 15:35:36
Yin Yang vaporization moxibustion for one year, the body changes of patients with Da Pai disease I basically take 4 months as a cycle. I have a big discharge every 4 months. March 10, 2021 is my whole year of moxibustion. A few days ago, when I was moxibustion, I always encountered such and such problems as toothache and headache. Sometimes I couldn`>>>>word number414