Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[Lingling 6625]2021-02-20 18:57:24
Rheumatoid, Sjogren`s syndrome, vaporization moxibustion for 170 days I had rheumatoid arthritis for 16 years. After five months of taking Chinese medicine, I couldn`t eat a meal. I went to see Western medicine and took hormones for two years. Later, because I couldn`t control the cold, I didn`t take immune preparations. Af>>>>word number495
[Cherry blossom in March]2021-03-01 20:32:59
Daughter`s leg pain, waist disc prominent, see cold wind coughing, easy to catch cold, perfume allergy, heavy moxibustion a year`s row disease reaction. Yesterday afternoon, when my daughter was moxibustion for 3 hours, she suddenly vomited and diarrhoea, pulling yellow water. She wanted to vomit but couldn`t vomit out, and her stomach was blocked, which made the whole person feel bad. After consulting th>>>>word number213
[wenyan]2021-03-09 20:11:18
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[My heart flies one]2021-03-03 08:33:05
Insomnia for 20 years, bradycardia, atrial premature beats, ventricular premature beats, hypertension, thyroid nodules, cholecystitis, gastric sinusitis, cystitis, ovarian cysts, cervical spondylosis I`m over 60 years old. I have nothing else. I`ve got a whole body of diseases. I have all kinds of diseases in the viscera, such as hypertension, heart disease, cholecystitis, liver swelling, sinusitis, cystitis What afflicts me most is intractable insomn>>>>word number735
[A little happy. Sweet]2021-03-07 06:28:41
On the fourth day of moxibustion, otolith, cervical hyperplasia, mammary hyperplasia, gynecology, heart disease, cholecystitis, long-term back pain, bile reflux, before Wake up in the morning, think about the changes in the past few days, diarrhea, broken tongue, falling asleep fast, before falling asleep difficult, to turn a few hours to fall asleep, sometimes insomnia, these days dream less, sleep until dawn, the right>>>>word number427
[Fengrun]2021-04-08 21:34:28
Write to AI you, who has just been vaporized, with firm faith I`m also Xiaobai. After ten days of moxibustion, I firmly believe that vaporization moxibustion can cure all kinds of diseases. Why do you say that? Tell me about my experience today. I started moxibustion at 8 a.m. for a total of 5 hours. In the last hou>>>>word number526
[Huihui]2021-04-04 20:57:50
One month`s treatment of mother-in-law`s Insomnia with vaporized moxibustion My mother-in-law is 63 years old. She suffered from cervical spine spur and waist injury 20 years ago. She had not had a good sleep quality for many years. One day before moxibustion, she couldn`t sleep at all. She didn`t sleep at night. The next day, her>>>>word number434
[A U]2021-04-06 08:43:28
After 213 days of moxibustion, the child developed fever again Two days ago, the child didn`t want to eat much during the day, so I wanted to eat less. As a result, when I went to bed at night, I suddenly shivered. I asked the child if he was cold, but he couldn`t express himself. He only knew how to shiver, because >>>>word number259
[Shadow]2021-04-06 09:41:46
Insomnia, massage, moxibustion. Scraping, foot soaking, ginger, Baduanjin and hand shaking are all used. After seven days of moxibustion, I went to sleep without taking medicine After a few days, my sleep came back. I was born with a weak spleen and stomach and poor constitution. I`m more afraid of the cold than others. After retiring from the hospital, he was left sick. Friends once said, how convenient it is for you to work in >>>>word number722
[Simon Birch]2021-04-01 11:43:24
It`s the first anniversary of vaporization moxibustion. Let`s share my medical experience and changes in my body A year ago, when I first joined the group, I still remember a sentence often said by coke teacher. Next year, if you are still moxibusting today, your body will be much better. At that time, I was looking forward to the arrival of tomorrow and today. Now,>>>>word number879