Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[Crayon Sakura]2021-04-16 10:06:17
Rheumatoid hypothyroidism insomnia, moxibustion fast one month`s feeling, get up at night insomnia improved Let`s share my experience of moxibustion for nearly a month. Since moxibustion, in terms of diet, I like to drink soup. Every meal should have soup, and I think it`s very delicious. The second change is sleep. It used to be that I couldn`t sleep because I>>>>word number250
[Live happily]2021-04-15 22:02:05
Vaporization moxibustion for 4 months Ten years ago, hyperthyroidism took iodine 131 and then hypothyroidism. After hypothyroidism, you Jiale was taken. After hypothyroidism, all kinds of diseases began to come to me, such as palpitation, chest tightness, shortness of breath, fatigue, dizzine>>>>word number363
[Xiaohong]2020-11-25 21:55:29
Yin Yang vaporization moxibustion, the body changes again after the second fever Yin Yang vaporization moxibustion for more than 8 months, this month is the most difficult. The preparation before the fever lasted more than half a month. Realized the coke teacher said, row sickness reaction is uncomfortable to doubt that life does not >>>>word number403
[Fengrun]2021-04-14 06:11:28
Willow bank flower bright again spring, more than ten years insomnia, vaporization roast half a month, real change I am 51 years old, and I lost sleep in my thirties. At that time, I was still able to work without serious problems. I had self-healing for a year or two, and I was not young enough to take care of it. Later, I began to lose sleep due to work pressure, an>>>>word number462
[9 degrees below zero]2021-04-12 15:33:58
Let me surprise constantly vaporization moxibustion, not only insomnia improved, 19 years of dysmenorrhea also disappeared Since October 2020, I have been suffering from severe insomnia. I haven`t closed my eyes for several days and nights. I can`t carry myself to go to the hospital. I have prescribed a lot of drugs (including traditional Chinese medicine, depression drugs, s>>>>word number702
[Laugh it off]2021-04-10 12:48:31
Vaporization moxibustion eight months to share, vaporization moxibustion let long sick people see hope After eight months of moxibustion with coke, my body has been much better than before. I`ve been taking medicine for more than ten years. I`ve been suffering from diarrhea for many years. I dare not eat meat. It`s cold and hard. Otherwise, I`ll go to the >>>>word number667
[Xing Hao Meets You]2021-04-11 09:40:08
The miraculous vaporization moxibustion changed my body in just a few days I`m 51 years old. I`ve been insomnia since I was in my 30s. I`ve been looking for medicine , health care products also used, eat perfect, for a period of time or did not improve, then there was a cold, left a chronic pharyngitis, eat a lot of Chinese medi>>>>word number982
[Fengrun]2021-04-10 22:31:54
Magic Yin Yang vaporization, magic human body When I started AI Zhi for the second time, a miracle happened. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the evil of dampness in the human body is hard to get rid of if oil enters the face. However, vaporization is easy to vaporize. All of a sudden, the >>>>word number258
[lky]2020-12-27 20:26:02
4 years old, malnutrition, bed wetting, three or four times a night, vaporization moxibustion for 5 months After the last reaction of the youngest son, the child has been vomiting. A person who was greedy before didn`t eat anything for five days. Then the coke teacher told me to hang up for a while. Slowly, he began to eat again. After the teacher`s constant g>>>>word number371
[Lingling 6625]2021-02-20 20:10:10
Rheumatoid reaction, will hurt you cry Rheumatoid disease is really painful, can`t get out of bed, joint pain, weakness, sleep can`t turn over, wake up or tired. After moxibustion, which arm can`t move, which leg can`t move, which foot can`t walk, and the knee can`t bend. Anyway, it`s so painf>>>>word number310