Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[Cherry blossom in March]2021-05-07 20:49:57
Disease elimination reaction of moxibustion for one year and one month I followed Mr. Coke`s moxibustion self rescue on April 4, 2020. It has been a year and a month unknowingly. Think about moxibustion, I also experienced a lot of disease elimination reactions during this period. When moxibustion reaches 5 or 6 months, the >>>>word number379
[Lotus climacteric insomnia%]2021-05-07 06:59:03
Vaporization moxibustion has been shared for 66 days, and disease elimination has come quietly. In the past, I was envious of others` reaction to disease elimination, and I always felt that I was seriously ill, which was different from others I had nausea and hiccups last night. I felt sick in my stomach. I always wanted to vomit. After a while, I vomited two mouthfuls. Miraculously, people were comfortable. I didn`t feel anything. I couldn`t feel sleepy at more than 9 o`clock. I slept until m>>>>word number213
[Light wind and clear clouds 9396]2021-05-05 21:16:13
Insomnia, cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation, a victory of gasification moxibustion, insist on sharing for half a year It has been more than half a year since the gasification moxibustion was carefully calculated. In this half a year, the benefits of gasification moxibustion are obvious to all of our family. For a long time, one of my lumbosacral vertebrae is convex, whic>>>>word number322
[Feng 8902]2021-05-05 10:41:36
Insomnia, mammary gland hyperplasia cyst, poor intestines and stomach, internal hemorrhoids, vaporization moxibustion for one month I had insomnia on October 1, 2018. I didn`t sleep for several days and nights, and then began to see doctors everywhere. Large hospitals and small hospitals ate traditional Chinese medicine for more than half a year. I was better last year and could live >>>>word number626
[kele]2021-03-15 15:18:59
Self help experience of vaporization Moxibustion: I didn`t recognize my fate in the fourth month when I got sick When I was moxibusting for 4 months, one night, my left kidney was in severe pain, like a knife cutting meat inside. I wanted to go to the kitchen, but when I passed the living room, I had a sharp pain. I fell directly in the living room, lying on the gro>>>>word number258
[A little happy. Sweet]2021-05-03 20:33:19
It`s good to be reborn after two months of vaporization moxibustion Today is exactly two months since I started vaporization moxibustion. On the first day of May Day, I drove more than 200 kilometers and walked for three hours. It was the first time since I was ill. It was vaporization moxibustion that saved me. I didn`t >>>>word number220
[Chen Hongmei]2021-05-03 09:10:18
Insomnia for a year, gasification moxibustion for 60 days, anxiety, insomnia, stomach top, right gallbladder pain, heart shaking, chest tightness, these problems gradually improved, and suddenly couldn`t sleep well the first two days One year of insomnia, 60 days of gasification moxibustion, anxiety, insomnia, stomach top, right gallbladder pain, heart shaking and chest tightness. These problems gradually improved. I suddenly couldn`t sleep well two days ago. I think it`s another reac>>>>word number797
[Ren Haiyan]2021-05-02 18:21:04
Panic, palpitation, anxiety, depression, insomnia, body symptoms of cold and heat. It`s amazing to stick to vaporization moxibustion for one year and two months Today, I followed Mr. Niu Ge Ke`s yin-yang vaporization moxibustion for a year and two months for several more days. I had a good time defecating in Xishui in the morning. Now it`s more than 6 p.m. after a day`s work, I didn`t eat at noon. I`m not tired a>>>>word number188
[Laugh it off]2021-04-30 10:51:56
After nine months of vaporization moxibustion, the breast nodules disappeared. It has been nine months since moxibustion, and the body has also changed. I slowly feel that I am walking vigorously and my legs are not soft. I have recovered a lot from gastrointestinal diseases for more than ten years. I have slowly gained health in th>>>>word number289
[Tangyuanyuan]2021-04-29 13:06:35
Palpitation, insomnia, vaporization moxibustion for more than a month. Thank you for meeting Mr. coke and brother Niu At noon last November, I suddenly had a heart beating fast and died for no reason. Since this time, my heart has been beating like this for three or two days. Since then, I have been sleepless all night. I am always out of breath. I feel like falling down>>>>word number452