Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[Xie San]2021-05-29 12:53:25
Dizziness, gastric distention, climacteric syndrome Female, 52 years old, loves to catch a cold and cough in winter, is afraid of cold, has cervical problems, loves sweating, has gastritis, dizziness, has poor sleep and has many dreams. I started moxibustion on April 2. I had the sequelae of a cold at the >>>>word number382
[Minor Snow]2021-05-28 20:57:03
I`m a doctor, but I can`t save myself because of my poor health. When insomnia is serious, I really feel loveless. Summary of moxibustion for 45 days I had measles when I was 8 years old. After that, I coughed every winter. I was afraid of the cold in summer and couldn`t wear short sleeves. After middle school, I had a bad stomach, bloated stomach and couldn`t eat cold things. Sometimes I was afraid an>>>>word number1059
[Tiger Brother Siqi]2021-05-27 12:16:29
Do vaporization moxibustion for several hours every day? I`ve been moxibusting with Mr. coke for nearly three months. I`ve been worried about Yin deficiency and fire until today. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, there should have been a problem long ago. Why, a few hours a day, can not h>>>>word number376
[Cat Cat]2021-05-24 11:59:42
Vaporization moxibustion for three months I fell ill in August last year. After drifting back, I caught a cold and had a fever. Then I went to the hospital for antibiotics. The results became more and more serious. My whole body was stiff, arrhythmia and insomnia all night. I couldn`t find any ot>>>>word number505
[in the warm spring , flowers are coming out with a]2021-05-25 22:21:34
I can`t go out for about three years. I insist on vaporization moxibustion for a year and a month. Although I have experienced many difficulties, I can go out now In the winter of 18 years, my condition worsened, I was sweating profusely, and my body was destroyed by the constant sweating. I can only eat and drink Lasa in one room in a winter, and I can`t go out and dare not blow. Even in a warm room, if there is a>>>>word number396
[Tiger Brother Siqi]2021-05-22 08:52:59
Adhere to vaporization moxibustion and share in February and may After 2.5 months of Yin-Yang vaporization Moxibustion: 1. Sleep improved a lot; 2. Gain weight; 3. My appetite is much better. Now I dare to eat cold things; 4. Scapulohumeral periarthritis and knee pain are much better and no pain; 5. The muscles are str>>>>word number403
[Wangjia carpet adhesive wallpaper]2021-05-22 22:12:55
For the sake of health, he insisted on vaporization moxibustion for more than a year Unconsciously, I have followed Mr. Coke`s moxibustion for more than a year and experienced the reaction of disease elimination again and again. All of them have been accompanied by Mr. coke to get through safely. After the arrangement, my body will go to >>>>word number166
[Wu Xiaoli]2021-04-24 22:56:27
Insomnia for more than ten years, AI Zhi bubbles on the first day I started insomnia in 2006. I really suffered from insomnia. I also took sleeping pills and schizophrenic drugs for more than ten years. I also took traditional Chinese medicine, which had no effect. I also went to the hospital to find out nothing wrong. >>>>word number293
[Li Huiping]2020-10-24 16:54:41
General pain, insomnia, anxiety After giving birth to the eldest son, the body began to ache, but it was not good. The second born was worse. There was a difference of 2 years between the eldest and the second. I had to make money and take care of the children. I often went to the hospi>>>>word number137
[second lunar month]2021-05-08 20:38:31
Insomnia, low back pain, difficult defecation, pharyngitis, hemorrhoids, social phobia, gasification moxibustion for 258 days I feel that after five months of gasification moxibustion, a blind box will be removed after a period of time, which will bring a mysterious and surprising color to your expectations, because you don`t know which day your body will have a new problem impr>>>>word number161