Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[kele]2020-05-28 14:27:31
It`s better to seek oneself than seek medicine, it`s better to seek oneself than seek Buddha, my crazy way of self-help Due to severe insomnia, open the road of crazy watching and eating traditional Chinese medicine. We have seen too many doctors and taken too many traditional Chinese medicine. Finally, there is no cure for despair. We have prayed to God, worshipped Buddha>>>>word number244
[kele]2020-12-10 10:18:42
After more than 600 days of moxibustion, my daughter`s skin finally turned white My daughter started moxibustion in February 2019. By the time of moxibustion to June, her face became darker and her lips blackened. The more moxibustion, the uglier she was. She began to enter a new period of disease elimination in September. She always >>>>word number220
[Yang Yafang]2021-06-29 06:38:19
Insomnia for 30 years, back pain, panic, poor digestion, vaporization moxibustion for a month Hello, moxibustion friends! I have been moxibusting with Mr. coke for a month. I watch the group of moxibustion friends every day. They encourage, insist, trust and move each other. Thanks to Coca Cola, brother Niu and his wife share their methods of curi>>>>word number846
[fen]2021-07-23 17:11:05
Insomnia for 6 years and moxibustion for 4 months. It`s hard to stick to moxibustion if you don`t have nowhere to go for medical treatment I only took moxibustion because of severe insomnia. I ate health care products for more than a year, lay in a photon bed, massage and so on. I went to the hospital to take anti depression drugs. After eating anti depression drugs for two years, I began to>>>>word number968
[Ren Haiyan]2021-03-02 08:43:37
Seeking medical advice for 15 years The first time I got sick was in 2006. Depression was also called mental illness. It was a fashionable disease at that time, and I got it. I don`t know about this disease at all. At the beginning, I couldn`t sleep, eat, and speak. I felt that I had lost a>>>>word number278
[Thunder Police]2021-04-02 23:27:05
From doubt to faith, intractable insomnia for more than 10 years, it was vaporization moxibustion that saved my sleep Thunder police, I am a post-80s, stubborn insomnia for more than 10 years, when it is serious, I stay up all night for a week, work two shifts and stay up late for more than 5 years, insomnia and stay up late all year round, and my physical condition is g>>>>word number1062
[zhang]2021-06-29 20:02:32
Children`s five-year treatment of epilepsy, vaporization moxibustion for more than 7 months My child is 20 years old. He had epilepsy five years ago, and then began a long way to see a doctor. He went to Beijing Temple of Heaven hospital to diagnose intractable epilepsy. He took ancestral expectorants, acupuncture, bone setting in Nanjing, the m>>>>word number1297
[阳光明媚]2021-06-08 11:25:36
Insomnia, traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine are not good. Vaporization moxibustion can be shared for 2 months I began to lose sleep in March 2019. From the beginning I could sleep for a few hours a night to the end I couldn`t sleep all night. There were various symptoms, such as dizziness, headache and stomachache. I went to the hospital for various examinations >>>>word number344
[Xuelan]2021-06-08 15:37:39
After 35 days of vaporization moxibustion, I can sleep for 5 ~ 6 hours at night. I`m very happy Today is the 41st day of moxibustion. Before moxibustion, I had 16 years of old stomach disease, stomach pain, stomach burping, gas and stomach bloating, cholecystitis, often uncomfortable in the front and back, poor immunity, a cold always takes a month >>>>word number761
[Wang Le]2021-06-13 09:03:44
After half a year of vaporization moxibustion, sleep has returned to normal I`ve insisted on vaporization moxibustion for half a year. I can`t sleep all night until now. I really lament the magic of vaporization moxibustion. There are also repetitions and disease elimination reactions. However, when moxibustion lasted for more th>>>>word number214