Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[A sleeve of cloud]2021-10-22 07:52:40
I`ve eaten traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, seen Dafen, vaporized moxibustion for six months, depression, fear of cold, insomnia and hypertension. I feel like a horse galloping on the grassland. It`s good to be reborn I have gained health since my teacher guided moxibustion on April 10. First of all, when I was moxibustion for two months, my whole body became weak, then my depression got better, my eyesight was stronger than before, and my blood pressure went down. Now>>>>word number1357
[Xiaohong]2021-10-14 15:30:03
Moxibustion for 561 days Frequent urination, falling, expelling dampness experience: from September 26, frequent urination, falling, I feel angry in my stomach, but I can`t expel it, I feel uncomfortable, and I`m constipated. On September 28, pimples began to appear at the root o>>>>word number657
[Niu]2021-10-17 07:12:32
Traditional Chinese medicine goes down the altar and returns to the essence of Medicine (5) mistakes in the properties of traditional Chinese Medicine Traditional Chinese medicine goes down the altar and returns to the essence of medical treatment (V) mistakes in the properties of traditional Chinese medicine. Many people believe that traditional Chinese medicine is natural and has no or very little sid>>>>word number733
[Xiaohe]2021-08-23 14:08:08
Insomnia for seven years, tried various treatments, afraid of heat constitution, vaporization moxibustion for five months, insomnia seems to be better unconsciously. I can`t stick to it without the guidance of teachers I really want to sleep like a normal person! It`s really painful not to sleep well. Sleep time is long, sleep is light, and wake up early in the morning. Closing your eyes is a dream. Vaporization moxibustion for five months: my insomnia began after Septe>>>>word number1681
[good luck and happiness to you]2021-09-21 07:28:40
I searched all famous doctors, disappointed and helpless. Who will save me? I was as thin as a wood in 2015. I wanted to die at that time. Vaporization moxibustion lasted more than 400 days, getting better and better I have been taking traditional Chinese medicine for more than 20 years. When I was 22, I had a serious illness and saw a lot of bad things. As a result, my family said that traditional Chinese medicine was good and recovered soon. Later, I trusted traditi>>>>word number440
[Yang Lu]2021-09-29 11:10:54
We move forward alternately in comfort and discomfort every day. We can see hope and never give up The teacher went to the toilet during moxibustion yesterday. It smelled very bad, but not much. If you dredge the uncomfortable parts of your arms and legs, you will be sleepy and sleep better. When I got up in the morning and had dinner, I was a little b>>>>word number462
[gx]2021-09-29 09:37:56
Dryness and heat, hemorrhoids bleeding, frequent urination, pain in urination, gastric polyps and pulmonary nodules are just siltation, but we can`t see them and won`t believe them if we don`t spit them out I vomited sour water every one or two days from the 13th. It was not until yesterday that I really blocked the discharge of medicine accumulation and blood stasis. I haven`t been sick after moxibustion for nearly ten months, and I haven`t vomited small ro>>>>word number641
[Niu]2021-10-11 12:46:08
Traditional Chinese medicine theory goes down the altar and returns to the essence of medical treatment (3) understanding of disease pathogenesis (3) imbalance of yin and Yang The last one talked about the problem of evil, positive, deficiency and reality. This article talks about the imbalance of yin and Yang. In the textbook, the imbalance of yin and Yang is regarded as a pathogenesis. In fact, it is repeated to keep up with >>>>word number992
[Niu]2021-10-11 12:46:04
The theory of traditional Chinese medicine goes down the altar and returns to the essence of medical treatment (3) the understanding of the pathogenesis of disease (2) the rise and fall of evil and positive and the changes of deficiency and excess In the last article, we analyzed the root causes of the disease through the appearance. In this article, let`s learn in detail how siltation leads to various changes of Yin-Yang Qi and blood. 1. Before the rise and fall of evil and positive and the change>>>>word number535
[Niu]2021-09-28 11:41:06
Traditional Chinese medicine theory goes down the altar and returns to the essence of medical treatment (3) understanding of disease pathogenesis The understanding of disease pathogenesis in traditional Chinese medicine textbooks is divided into the following aspects: the rise and fall of evil, the imbalance of yin and Yang, the imbalance of essence, Qi and blood, the abnormal metabolism of body fl>>>>word number558